2014 SPE 172278, Do Not Let Temperature Transients Hinder Your Build-up Pressure Interpretation – Proper Gauge Placement in Highly Productive Reservoirs in Well Testing Operations
2006 SPE 103589, Pushing the Envelope for Production Logging in Extended Reach Horizontal Wells in Chayvo Field, Sakhalin, Russia
2006 AAPG ARCHIE SERIES No. 1, Petrophysical Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Pore-Thickness in Thinly Bedded Clastic Reservoirs
2004 SPWLA Annual Symposium, Paper NNN, A Systematic Approach to Evaluate Hydrocarbons in Thinly Bedded Reservoirs
2003 SPWLA Annual Symposium, Paper DDD, NMR Petrophysical Predictions on Cores
2002 Petrophysics, v. 43, no. 1, p. 13-19, NMR Identification of Fluids and Wettability in situ in Preserved Cores
2002 SPWLA Annual Symposium, Paper T, Integrated Evaluation of the Cerro Negro Field for Optimized Heavy-Oil Production
2002 SPWLA Annual Symposium, Paper UU, Analysis of LWD and Wireline Logs in Highly Deviated Boreholes Penetrating Deepwater Turbidites: Anisotropy, Polarization Horns, and Net-Sand Derivation
2002 Oilfield Review, pp. 30-51, Heavy Oil Reservoirs
1998 SPWLA Annual Symposium, Paper VV, A Case Study Demonstrating How NMR Logging Reduces Completion Uncertainties in Low-Porosity, Tight Gas-Sand Reservoirs
1995 SPWLA Annual Symposium, Paper O, Core and Log NMR Measurement of an Iron-Rich, Glauconitic Sandstone Reservoir
1992 J. of Applied Electrochemistry, Vol. 22, pp. 204-214, Analysis of Radiation-Grafted Membranes for Fuel Cell Electrolytes
1990 AIChE Journal, Vol 36, No. 7, pp. 1061-74, Development of a Space-Charge Transport Model for Ion-Exchange Membranes
1990 Intl. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 17, pp. 587-595, The Response of Straight and Circular Fins to Fluid Temperature Changes